Epically Meaningless

The stakes in media, cinema, television, comic books and various forms of storytelling have never been higher, but also never been more meangingless. The spectacle, and grandiosity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was actually really interesting. Things like that have existed, most obviously and pedantically, marvel comics, but in movies they’ve been fairly rare, or … Read more

Make NaNo Yours

We’re at the start of the 2019 NaNoWriMo and it’s worth thinking about what winning NaNoWriMo really is. There’s the somewhat arbitrary goal of writing 50,000 words during a single month. This breaks down to a solid 1,666.667 words per day. That is actually rather a lot. It can get worse. Maybe you miss a … Read more

NaNo Plano Woods Coffee 10/19

Went to a very nice Nano Planning event at Woods coffee hotel 116 sadly only the organizer and me were in attendance, but that created a very nice atmosphere to talk about our books and writing and more personal things. Woods coffee seems like a very nice alternative to Starbucks, and they made me an … Read more